Sunday, May 24, 2009


I was talking with a friend a few weeks ago and she was sharing with me about her life. She said she didn't feel like God was as close as He used to be. after talking to her about a few different things about how God is never far, we always seem to just push him to the side while we deal with the matters of life and getting comfortable with where we are. This got me thinking - I found myself asking God to reveal himself to me in a new and fresh way, so while I am around my friends and family they will know that the Holy Spirit is working through me.

A few of us went on a trip last weekend to San Francisco and spent a lot of time in Union Square and Fisherman's Warf. I thought to myself man I would love to see how God is going to reveal himself to my on this trip. Well....He did. In a way that is plain as day, but I didn't even realize till I was in the shower this morning. As all 6 of us were walking around SF enjoying the sites, food and company of each other, we missed a truck load of opportunities to see Jesus in a new and fresh way. You see living in Roseville/ Granite Bay area we don't encounter very many homeless people. And if we do, we don't usually pay any attention to them.

As we walked downtown SF I found myself avoiding these people. They made me uncomfortable. Asking for money for food holding signs saying they have nothing but there family and they cant even feed them. My thought while I was down there was "eh they are all lying or just lazy and dont want to get a job. Cruel huh? I shamefully confess that those were my true thoughts.

Matthew 25:40-43 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." 41"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'

Ouch...this is not easy stuff to read - Read Matthew 25:31-46 for the full story

This is how God wanted to get my attention and reveal Himself. Unfortunately I ignored it for the comfort of the one and I was there to relax, hang out with friends and have a good time. I didn't need these people asking me for money or trying to make me feel bad. I feel safe saying that you have felt that way and if you don't want to admit it then you feel that way inside and your just ashamed to come out with it. Anyway, I neglected wanting to help these people. I say I am a follower of Christ. I say I choose to follow the path he has laid for me. I say I give up my rights for Him and the kingdom, but this last weekend - I sacrificed nothing but connecting with God and getting to known the homeless, desperate, poor, lonely people he cares for. He cares for them just as much as he cares about us. Following Christ is not rainbow's, unicorns, fairies and being comfortable. Following Christ is hard...sacrificing things you don't want to sacrifice and all for the glory of...not you...but Christ.

This was truly a wake up call. It now has me thinking about other areas of life that I am severely selfish in. Jesus talks a lot about the poor in the new testament. I do not have the excuse of not knowing this stuff. I have heard it my whole life...what areas of your life do you think God is trying to get your attention?