Friday, September 5, 2008

Essentials of House Sitting

So It's that time again. My aunt and uncle are away on their yearly vacation and they ask me each year to house sit and take care of their dog Lexy. Luckily Lex is very low maintenance and I can leave her outside for hours on end and she is fine. Altough I dont try to leave her outside to long. So I thought I would write down some things that are essential for house sitting. Here they are!

Food - Obviously food is always essential but sometimes people leave you NO food when they give you the keys for 2 weeks. If this happens I would advise to never house sit for these so called "friends" anymore. If they dont leave you food it shows that they could care less about your health and wellness while your taking care of their house. Which in-turn actually is a negative for them! No food, no energy, no will to live...So if theives decided it's a good week to hit the "Robinsons" wont even have any energy or umph to even call the police. FOOD IS A MUST!

Friends - If you are house sitting you need to be able to bring friends over. If not then there is a good chance you could go crazy and start talking to yourself, which isn't good thing...ever! If the home owners dont like you having friends over then, once again I would advise you to NEVER house sit for them again. Luckily my aunt and uncle are cool and they dont care if I bring friends long as I leave the house the way I found it.

Entertainment - Hopefully the house your watching has some form of entertainment. i.e. Big Screen, Xbox, Ping-Pong table, Pool Table, Swimming Pool or a large collection of board games for those board game geeks! I am excited to say that my aunt and uncle have a big screen, and pool table! I brought some of my favorite board games for a little extra entertainment. You need incentives to watch a house, and if the house doesnt have some sort of entertainment value then it's not worth watching.

Money/Gift - Now hopefully the home owners have a plan to either pay you for your services and or give you a sweet gift from their travels. My aunt and uncle dont leave me money but they do get me a gift...which is usually a good one. But if you dont get money or a gift, then you must really really owe the home owner's a big favor!

Well those are some of the essentials...I could think of more but need to do other things with my time.

1 comment:

srshearer said...

Haha, I love it. I am a little jealous of the pool table access.