Saturday, March 21, 2009

Lets Do This!

I have been thinking a lot lately about my health. I realized that after a few bike rides and hitting the gym last week, how out of shape I really am. So I have decided to do something about it. My current weight right now (as of this morning at the gym) is 220 lbs. My goal is be down to 190 lbs by the end of June. I know your probably laughing inside right now, but I am pretty serious about this. Both sides of my family has diabetes weaving in and out of the family tree and I really don't want to be a part of the diabetes club. Here is the plan so far...

1. Hit the gym 3 times a week (cardio and weights)

2. Work out with Gilbert 2 times a week ( kettle bells, resistant bands and other various workouts)

3. Ride my bike ( 2 times a week) and gradually work my MPR (miles per ride) up.

4. Eat healthy. no more junk food and lots and lots and lots of water (some high quality H20)

If you read this and know me personally please ask me how I am doing with it. I need as many people to keep me accountable as possible.

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